Saturday, July 25, 2009

Christians Aren't Funny

According to an article in Time magazine, Christians--of which I am one, are not funny. We are apparently unable to delve into the darker sides of life and can't muster more than a good poop joke. This was completely shocking to me but as it is in a reputable news magazine (though obviously an opinion piece) it must be absolutely correct. I am going to have to go out immediately and stop my sister-in-law Charla from speaking ever again because I can't seem to get through a conversation with her without laughing about something. And you, follower Cassie, I don't know what you're going to do.
Just last week at the end of my women's bible study my daughter and I watched a video with what appeared to be Kay Arthur, Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer. But they must have been imposters because I was laughing so hard (and so loud) that I was crying. It couldn't have actually been them, because they are Christians.

In all seriousness, I guess that the writer of the piece felt that you can't be funny if you aren't using swear words or making a jab at God. Or perhaps he just hasn't met the right Christians.


Cassie said...

Well, it's obviously not true, because I am laughing at your post right now. I guess I must not be a Christian. . .LOL

The Adams said...

Stop making people laugh. that isn't very christan-like of you!!! bad bad jamie!!! LOL