Sunday, June 03, 2012

My (not quite a whole) Year of Getting Skinny

Now there is no way that I am posting this on Facebook, but I've joined Weight Watchers.  It was really hard for me to do.  It felt humiliating.  It felt like a failure.  But I told myself, or the parent inside me told me, that I needed help.  And Weight Watchers was willing to help.  I also told myself that asking for help is a success and not a failure, and while that's true I still found it hard to believe.

I've been at Weight Watchers since April--which is why it isn't really a whole year.  It has surprised me.  First of all, I've already lost 15 pounds.  15 pounds!!!  That's un-freaking-believable.  But that's not the only surprise.  I actually don't mind the meetings.  I thought I would hate them but I've discovered some truly lovely people and I've enjoyed the little tips and tricks that they share each week.  Yay!  I'm an introvert so the meetings were pretty daunting for me. 

Some days I find the limited diet quite easy, especially with the free fruits and veggies (free=0 points).  On other days, though, I'd love to chew through a bag of Salsa Verde Doritos, or have a giant sundae.  Now, of course I can do all of that if I budget the points for it.  I just don't like to waste a large chunk of points.  I prefer to dole out my 49 extra points over the whole week, giving me 7 extra points per day.  Skinny Cow's are 4 points after all and I do love dessert!

So, wish me luck!  I'd like to be nearly half the woman I was at the start of the year. ;)