Thursday, July 07, 2005

Harry Potter

In nine days Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince makes it's debut. Just to give you an idea of my level of excitement/geekiness, I have had a countdown on my desktop for about 100 days. I originally ordered my book from Amazon. I later cancelled this order when I discovered they would not be able to get it to me on July 16. Stupid Alaska. It's still a state, what is the deal with everyone's crazy shipping issues? I then had to find an actual bookstore in Fairbanks that could guarantee the book would be here. Enter Waldenbooks. Nine more days and my wait for the book ends...and my wait for the Goblet of Fire movie begins (November). I LOVE Harry Potter. I read the first Potter book to "check it out" for my daughter. To see if it was appropriate for her, or evil. There was so much controversy swirling around the book that I didn't feel comfortable just handing it over to her. Well maybe I read it more for my son. It is easier to find books that my daughter enjoys and wants to read. And many on the pro-Harry side talked of what a great series this would be for boys. Either way I read it. Then I read the second one. And so it went until I had read them all. Of course the craziness begins here. I loved the books so much I bought them...all of hardback. I then re-read everyone...and took literary notes...seriously.

Favorite Harry book: Goblet of Fire--it was so much fun to read
Hardest book to get through the second time: Order of the Phoenix--big book, lots of info
Book or Movie?: The books are always better! For my children the books are less scary than the movies as well. When they are reading, they are limited to their own imagination. Their imagination seems to be less frightening than that of a movie producer.
Another series of books I'd recommend: The Circle Books by Ted Dekker--Black, Red, White

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