Thursday, June 23, 2005

All That And A Bag Of Chips

Well I think I've finally settled--for now--on my blog template. I am pleased with this result and pleased that I will no longer be coding any pages. Actually I've grown a little addicted to it. I'll probably still be messing around with it somehow. Now I get to go back to focusing on how to invest my money for retirement. As if my brain isn't already fried enough. I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm always looking for challenging--but fun--projects to work on. My husband bought me a sewing machine and I taught myself how to quilt. I've read all of the Harry Potter books... twice. I even took notes and analyzed the use of colors and searched for clues. I'm pretty much insane. Reading is actually huge for me. I need something to keep my brain moving at all times. Plus, I've found that day to day living can be very slow and tedious. Books bring a little bit of excitement to my day. Some of the best books I've ever read are: Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, The Circle Books (Black, Red, White) by Ted Dekker (He's amazing!), and Pride and Prejudice. At least these are the few I can think of when I am only half awake.
We have been working towards becoming foster parents and last Saturday we got a little closer. Our license came in the mail. Now it's just a matter of waiting. A thing I have not yet perfected. There is so much uncertainty in foster care. It can be a little unnerving at times. When you get pregnant you have a certain time period (approx.) to wait. You know about when to expect a new addition and you can make plans. With foster care I could get a call tomorrow and have a baby by five o'clock. Or three months from now I could still be waiting. Also when you give birth to a baby you can expect that it will be a newborn and therefore require infant things. With foster care I could have a six month old, eighteen month old, or three year old. What an adventure! It's all amazing.
Well that's "All that". So, what about the bag of chips? Black Pepper Jack Doritos. I am so loving these chips. If you haven't already, check 'em out.

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