Wednesday, August 05, 2009


National Novel Writing Month is quickly approaching and my blood pressure and fear of failure is rising. I didn't finish my last attempt at writing a novel in a month. I only got about half way. Still 25,000 words is more than I had ever written before and some of it is actually good. This time I will actually be attempting it during the official month. This means that if I manage by some miracle to finish my novel I could get some small recognitions from other WriMos or some humiliation, should I fall short of the 50,000 words.
The thought of writing a novel in a month is terrifying. As I sit here typing away on my keyboard, wasting words really on a blog rather than on my novel, I have approximately zero good ideas for a new story line. Of course those are the rules. You cannot use material you've already started on. It has to be something fresh and new. You can, however, begin planning characters and settings one week before it starts. My heart just started beating faster as I typed the last sentence. One week. I think perhaps NaNoWriMo is for psychotic, insane people who for some ridiculous reason feel that they need to write a novel in a month. I'm proud to say that I am one of them.

November is National Novel Writing Month.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hi- wasn't sure how else to reach you so I"m commenting here- was both of your posts on the LPM blog and just wanted to say PRAISE THE LORD for his hand in healing and preventing! Will pray your daughter will have a wonderful repeat birthday!