Friday, June 20, 2008


Writing terrifies me. I get so far in a paper or a story and then I am blank. Empty. There is nothing left in my brain. No clever turn of phrase; no idea where I was even headed. When we move Dan mentioned that he'd like it if I went back to school. Frightening. Do you know how many essays and papers you have to write in college? I haven't even gotten English under my belt. That's at least 5 papers on its own. I feel like I should write...something. I long to put pen to paper and create things. I write the most interesting colorful sentences in my head all the time. They just don't connect into any one coherent paragraph. I often think of writing a short story but can never decide what to write about. The trouble is that everything worth writing about (and some that aren't) have been written. What is my original idea? Where do I want to take it? I don't know; I'm drawing a blank...

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