Friday, December 22, 2006

Just An Update

Moving time is quickly approaching. And likewise, so is Christmas. Again I find myself in a situation where too many things are happening at once. We recently had to let our foster son go. It was very difficult and continues to be difficult. But we are at peace with what happened. It was right. I am so thankful for God in times like these. He is the ultimate provider of peace. We are now focusing on a Christmas that comes only two days before the movers pack up our stuff. It is quite challenging to find time to step back and immerse yourself in the meaning of Christmas--or Christmas at all--when there are a thousand things to accomplish for moving. I am usually a planner. The more planned out I have things the more peaceful I feel, especially when moving. This year, however, my brain is leaking. I've tried cramming too many things into it and now it is leaking. I am feeling the pressure and anxiety of having no lists, no plans, and an inability to focus on such things for too long. I just keep telling myself that we will get to Tucson one way or another--probably with a few bumps along the way.

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